Description of the project
The brainchild of four artists, « À vos cARTes » will grow through your participation!
Within this project, various people (yourself if you wish) will receive a postcard. On the face will be a reproduction (or a detail) of an artwork created by one of the four artists.
The media used by the artists are varied: works in coloured pencils, digitally created comics, paintings, photographs, or a mix of these.
Our project's premise is: let's exchange ideas, communicate and propel art in a way that is increasingly exceptional: the postal service!
An exhibition will be held in the fall of 2022 at Bouquinart Librarie et Galerie d’art - a bookstore and art gallery in Gatineau (Aylmer), Québec.
The interactions generated by these exchanges that will have left traces (via selfies, responses through art, etc.) will be pinned on a bulletin board in the gallery.
The exhibition will bring a tangible experience that social medias have taken away from us.
You are invited to navigate our site via the clickable avatars which will take you to discover each artist (biography and their thoughts on the project); a representative portfolio of their artwork - look for 'mon babillard'; and if you wish to receive a card, simply leave your address in the artist's contact section -'Me laisser un mot'.
We will do our best to satisfy all requests.
In the section 'Quoi faire …' are the options for your participation when you receive a postcard from 
one of the artists.
Welcome and enjoy!
Meet your artists (click on the avatar of your choice)
En savoir plus . . .

José Bouchard-Côté

En savoir plus . . .

Claude Bélisle

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Sophie Dassy

En savoir plus . . .

Richard Perron

© Bélisle,  Bouchard-Côté, Dassy, Perron 2022